Endodontics is a specialized area of the dentistry focus on treating disease or injury to the dental pulp. The Root canal treatment become necessary when the pulp is irritated or infected by caries or a tooth fracture.
The pulp is a soft tissue inside the tooth which contains blood vessels and nerves.
The root canal treatment is made by the Endodoncist to stop the decay and ache. The pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed with a thermoplastic sterile material. Once it is finish the tooth is ready to be rebuilt, normally with a crown.
We use the latest technology as Rotary instruments and digital radiology that allow us to provide, safer faster and painless endodontic treatments
Endodontics Root Canal treatment Step by Step
We are committed in keeping our quality standards as high as possible, we only use the highest quality materials that are approved by the American Dental Association. All sterilized instruments and disposables are for a one-time use only per patient; hygiene and safety is our top priority
Puerta del Sol 320 B, Colinas de San Jerónimo Monterrey, NL 64630, MX
Local Call from USA: (832) 314 0360 Local Call from MX: 81 17984513 / 81 8346 3092 info.dentaltekmonterrey@gmail.com
dentaltek motnerrey
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